Building Our Future

In early 2021, our church committed a major upgrade to our church we are calling the “Main Entry Remodel” but it also known as Project ACCESS.
We are going to extend the building, to bring all of the steps and the outdoor ramp INSIDE our church. So you will walk up to our building, and come inside BEFORE you have to navigate either steps or a ramp.
It gives us a spacious entryway with a beautiful glass walls to create that open, modern feeling – the new ramps will be safer and indoors, and the steps will never have to be salted again!
We’ve had trouble in the past with crumbling steps, slippery ramps and one ramp that is far too steep – but no more! We are committing to fixing this problem and giving our church a huge goal to strive for.
The price tag on Project Access is steep – somewhere about $500,000! – but fixing those steps, giving our church a beautiful new entry AND increasing our accessibility will help us better serve our community.
The Building Committee tasked with oversight of this project has set the HUGE goal of raising $100,000 in 2021! It’s the biggest goal we’ve set in years and we really believe that if we work together – we can get it done.
If you would like to help us out – click over to the fundraising page and give!
Here’s some design pictures of what it will look like: