Youth Group
Every Sunday from 12:30-2:30 the Youth of our church gather for a meal, a lesson and some games. All youth are invited to come to a safe environment to explore and learn about God. We play games. We get messy. We eat, we study, we learn and we grow. . It’s often chaotic, but always rewarding – come check it out! Contact the Church office for more details.
Also, about once a month they go on some fun events – bowling, putt-putt, P3 and the like.
Every year we get together for a few retreats, lock-ins and such as well. Spring Hill is a favorite.

When a student reaches roughly 7-8th grade, we believe that they are beginning the process of becoming the man or woman they will be for the rest of their life. As Christians, part of that commitment is discovering their faith and exploring the road towards membership in the Church. Confirmation is a class offered to 7-8th graders each year to present them with the information about our Christian Faith. At the end of the class, if they would like to proceed, they have the opportunity to then join the church and become full members. There is no obligation – students are welcome to attend and ask questions, even just to learn more about what it means to be a Christian.
Meets weekly throughout the school year, with make up classes available. Contact the office for more information.
Financial Peace University – Teen Challenge

Occasionally we will offer a class on proper money management for teens. One of the most important life skills in our modern world is how to manage your money in an honest way with integrity and intelligence. Contact the Church office to see when the next class will be offered.