
In early 2021, our church committed a major upgrade to our church we are calling the “Main Entry Remodel” but it also known as Project ACCESS.

The Building Team tasked with getting this project done has set an enormous goal of raising $100,000 in 2021! Please consider donating and helping us reach this amazing goal!

There are a number of ways to give..

In Person Giving

Checks – Please put “Main Entry Remodel” or “Project ACCESS” on the memo line of the check to make sure it goes to the proper account.

Cash – please make sure all cash is in an envelope and marked with either “Main Entry Remodel” or “Project Access.”

In Person gifts can be put in the drop box at the back of the sanctuary, in the regular offering plate, in the drop box outside our building, dropped off in the office during office hours or even sent through good old snail mail.

Digital Giving

Unfortunately, ONLY Vanco gives us the ability to specify which account you give to. If you give through paypal or text-to-give – that will go towards our general fund. When you give to Project Access – make sure you use VANCO, and specify “Main Entry Remodel” Fund.

Click here to give!