Here at Flushing UMC, we offer two distinct styles of worship in our services. Whether it is the power of the organ and the beauty or the choir – or the rhythm of the drums and guitars – we have something for you! We are not perfect people, in fact quite the opposite. But we gather in this place as broken-but-forgiven people, working together to try and learn about God and love Him better in this crazy world.
At Flushing United Methodist Church we are blessed to have 2 styles of worship:
Traditional Style on Sundays at 8:45 a.m.
Contemporary Style on Sundays at 11:15 a.m.
At our Traditional-Style Service (8:45) we tend to have more written prayers and hymns sung from the rich history of the church. The Sanctuary Choir or the Chapel Bells help us worship through music.
At out Contemporary-Style Service (11:15) we rarely have written prayers and our Praise Band accompanies the singing that is projected on a screen in the front of the Sanctuary. The music is typically in the style of Chris Tomlin, Matthew West and Lincoln Brewster. The pastors do not wear their robes and stoles at this service.
The message/sermon at both services is the same.
There is no dress code at either service (we welcome you to come as you are).
Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month at both services.
All are welcome to receive Communion.
Child-care is provided for children ages 0-4 during both services in our Play Place.
Activity bags are available for all kids to enjoy during the service.